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Tag: beach towel

Easy Crystal Clear Pool Water

Easy Crystal Clear Pool Water

When we first got our above ground pool there was a lot of hit and miss information out there. I found it overwhelming, confusing and frustrating; but after a few years, I have come up with a VERY simple and easy way to enjoy our pool with no headaches attached and you can too! I am going to show you the exact type of products I use, (or very similar), and the regime I use to maintain a beautiful pool!

Pool Maintenance Schedule

Pool Maintenance Schedule

No need to get upset and worry. Getting your pool from YUCK to clean and clear is EASY!! It only takes a few basic steps and very little time! I’ll show you exactly how I do that and show you the schedule I use to keep it that way. I’ll also let you in on a few little personal techniques I’ve adapted  to keep our pool clean and clear longer so we can have more time swimming and enjoying, and less time cleaning.